Cristian Sulea

Software Architect & Developer


  • Senior Java Developer (& Software Architect)

    Other roles:
    - Technical Lead
    - Development Lead

    Other activities and responsibilities:
    - analysis and design for new projects
    - analysis and integration for the new features and change requests for current projects
    - develop and manage pilot projects
    - develop and manage prototype projects to test the integration of various technologies
    - technical proposals
    - performance improvements

  • Senior Java Developer

    Other roles:
    - Firm Administrator (and Partner)
    - Technical Lead
    - Development Lead

    Other activities and responsibilities:
    - analysis and design for new projects
    - analysis and integration for the new features and change requests for current projects

  • Senior Java Developer

    Other roles:
    - Firm Administrator (and Owner)
    - Technical Lead
    - Development Lead

    Other activities and responsibilities:
    - analysis and design for new projects
    - analysis and integration for the new features and change requests for current projects
    - develop and manage pilot projects
    - develop and manage prototype projects to test the integration of various technologies
    - technical proposals

  • Java Developer

  • Java Developer

  • Network Administrator

Skills & Expertise

  • Technical skills and competences

    - Software Design
    - Software Development
    - Software Engineering
    - Spring
    - Hibernate
    - SQL
    - JUnit
    - Log4j
    - Apache Commons
    - XStream
    - Swing
    - XML
    - HTML
    - CSS
    - JavaScript
    - PHP

  • Computer skills and competences

    - Eclipse
    - Maven
    - SVN
    - Ant
    - IBM Rational
    - WebSphere
    - Tomcat
    - Jetty
    - MySQL
    - DB2
    - Linux (basic)


  • English

    - Professional working proficiency

  • Italian

    - Limited working proficiency